When you’re stuck, there is often a sense of shame or guilt that accompanies the inability to move forward. This, in turn, demotivates you. Instead of going out to conquer the world you huddle under a blanket and binge-watch the longest TV series you can find.
And underneath the guilt or shame, there is something else. There is a reason you’re not moving forward, and that can run very deep.
Case Study – Getting Unstuck
I was working with a client who wanted to make some very big changes in their life and was uncharacteristically stuck. For some unknown reason, he was not able to move forward.
As we began to unravel the knot of issues and challenges, it became clear that there was competing energy at work. We began to explore what his motivation was for staying where he is.
4 Questions to Get Unstuck
If you find yourself in a similar situation in which you can’t seem to move forward, ask yourself these questions:
- What specifically do I want to achieve, and by when? Read more about SMART goals here, in my free e-book.
- What are you doing or not doing that gets in the way of this goal? This might be procrastination, self-sabotage, or perhaps dismissing ideas before you even start working on them.
- What fears arise when you imagine jumping in and doing these things anyway?
- Does a larger pattern or belief become evident when you answer the last question?
Case Study – The Solution
My client was looking to make a major career shift and relocate, but he wasn’t taking action. Instead of applying for jobs he was watching Game of Thrones for the 31st time and going for long walks. When we investigated this, he realized he had a deep fear of instability. The deeper belief was “If I change anything in my life, it will all unravel.”
We are working on some experiments in which the client can safely test this belief. This is the first step in finding a new way of being that supports his goals and aspirations.
The next time you hit a wall like that, ask yourself these questions and take a good look at what you’re protecting by staying in the status quo.
Click here if you’d like to schedule a free session to explore what’s holding you back.

ICF-Certified Conscious Leadership Coach
I enable leaders to increase their impact by exploring their beliefs, behaviors, and language. By shining a light on unconscious patterns, I help them establish a new way of being that brings self-awareness, emotional intelligence, confidence, and better relationships. These skills enable leaders to:
- Embrace vulnerability
- Build trust and psychological safety with their teams
- Clearly communicate individual and team goals, and hold accountability
- Communicate with intention, authenticity, and compassion
- Give and receive feedback that enables learning, development, and deeper relationships
- Solve difficult decisions
- Face the future with optimism, enthusiasm, and energy
- Resolve past difficulties and hurt
I have over 25 years of corporate experience, with expertise in coaching and organizational development. I have coached leaders at Roche Pharmaceuticals, the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, Danone, LinkedIn, and many natural products companies.
I am a graduate of Newfield Network’s Coaching for Personal and Professional Mastery program and am certified through the International Coach Federation. A longtime meditation practitioner, I emphasize conscious, mindful leadership, and business practices that benefit all.
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