Category: Personal Development

How to Give Feedback

How to Give Feedback

As leaders, we owe it to our employees to give regular, constructive, timely feedback. This should include the positive, as well as areas for improvement- and should be done much more frequently than the yearly performance review. While nobody likes to discuss “areas for improvement,” there are ways to make the conversation easier and more productive.

work life balance

How to Turn Failures into Fortunes

Put these tips into practice both with your own thinking and with your teams. Creating an environment that is conducive to learning is a key practice in fostering innovation, creativity, and success.

Improve your communication skills

Improve Your Communication Skills with Effective Requests and Offers

If you think about it, an organization is a network of conversations. From water cooler chit chat to quarterly state-of-the-union updates, our days are full of linguistic interactions with each other. Communication skills are an integral component in building successful relationships.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Entrepreneurial Spirit & Your Personal Vision

You’ve probably drafted the typical mission, vision and values statements for your company. If not, there are a billion blogs, books, and consultants that can help you do it. What is often overlooked is tying your company’s vision to YOUR personal vision, and those of your employees. When this link is established, you will tap into your entrepreneurial spirit and your employees will be much more engaged.

How to Increase Employee Engagement with Coaching

How to Increase Employee Engagement with Coaching

One of the best ways to improve employee engagement is professional coaching. Coaching should be an integral part of building a culture of trust and safety, which results in innovation, creativity and yes- increased employee engagement.

5 Ways for Founders to Stay Focused

5 Ways for Founders to Stay Focused

I work with a lot of founders, and if there is one thing they all share in common it’s the need to stay focused. From unsolicited sales calls and social media to networking events and webinars, the distractions are endless. How do you know where to put your precious attention? Here are 5 ways to decide what to put on your plate.

how to develop emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence & Ontological Coaching

Emotional intelligence is defined as “the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.” For business leaders, this is obviously a very valuable trait. So, what’s the best way to develop emotional intelligence?

accountability group

How to Run an Accountability Group

Is your to-do list perpetually growing, no matter how diligent your intentions? An accountability group may be the answer.