Month: February 2022

Resilience for Stress and Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety – How to Develop Resilience

Have you ever tried to get rid of all of your stressors and anxious thoughts? Did you succeed? I bet not! In fact, it’s likely that your efforts to push those thoughts away and escape caused MORE stress!

work life balance

Create a Ritual for Better Work/Life Balance

So many of us are working remotely from our homes, and that’s not likely to change. The challenge to maintain a healthy work/life balance has never been greater. We work where we live and live where we work, and we may do laundry during the workday and answer emails on the weekend. As a result, we’re subconsciously “always on,” which leads to fatigue, stress, and the sense that our time is never our own. Read on to learn how to create better work/life balance!