Category: Personal Development

How to Overcome Burnout

10 Ways to Overcome Burnout

Every day, I work with brilliant, motivated people who are at their edge, suffering from burnout, anxiety, and lack of motivation. 

It’s different for everyone, but there are some changes you can make that are guaranteed to help. Below are the top 10 ways to overcome burnout.

How to Manage Up Managing Up

How to Manage Up, Down, and Across

Managing up, down, and across is the ability to effectively manage relationships with your superiors, direct reports, and peers. It is a critical skill for mid-level managers and above, as it allows them to build strong relationships, get things done, and achieve their goals.

What is Ikigai?

What is Ikigai?

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being.” It is a way of finding your purpose in life and living a fulfilling existence. The word ikigai is made up of two Japanese words: iki, which means “life,” and gai, which means “value.”

Mindfulness for Leaders

Benefits of Mindfulness for Leaders

There are so many potential benefits of mindfulness practice for leaders that it’s hard to come up with a concise list. From clinical anxiety disorders to lowering the heart rate, the benefits seem infinite. So we’re going to focus here on why you as a business leader or entrepreneur should engage in the practice.

Negative thoughts and ACT

Negative Thoughts: Four Ways to Defuse Their Power

Negative thoughts that can hold power over us and keep us from our full potential. Here are four ways to defuse their power over us.

Resilience for Stress and Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety – How to Develop Resilience

Have you ever tried to get rid of all of your stressors and anxious thoughts? Did you succeed? I bet not! In fact, it’s likely that your efforts to push those thoughts away and escape caused MORE stress!

work life balance

Create a Ritual for Better Work/Life Balance

So many of us are working remotely from our homes, and that’s not likely to change. The challenge to maintain a healthy work/life balance has never been greater. We work where we live and live where we work, and we may do laundry during the workday and answer emails on the weekend. As a result, we’re subconsciously “always on,” which leads to fatigue, stress, and the sense that our time is never our own. Read on to learn how to create better work/life balance!

The Great Resignation - Employee Retention

The Great Resignation – Three Ways to Boost Employee Retention

The Great Resignation is upon us, and employee retention is (or should be) a top concern of every leader. With a record number of employees leaving their positions or at least considering it, leaders need to develop better ways to connect with their employees.

4 Questions to Help You Get Unstuck

When we’re stuck, there is often a sense of shame or guilt that accompanies the inability to move forward. This, in turn, demotivates us, and instead of going out to conquer the world we huddle under a blanket and binge-watch the longest TV series we can find. Find out how to get unstuck!

3 Ways to Turn Anxiety into Energy

3 Ways to Turn Anxiety into Energy

How often do you find yourself with one foot on the gas and one on the brake, ready to jump into a new career, business, or position but too anxious and fearful to wade into the unknown?

What if there was a way to harness that anxious energy and turn it into forward momentum? Here are three ways to do exactly that.